Digital product designer turned design leader.

I show companies how to transform their business through design, fostering organisational cultures that are creative, design-literate and understand their customers deeply.

I’ve twenty years’ experience as a designer, crafting bespoke, complex and pioneering digital products and services. I know how to create beautiful, successful products and get stuff done.

I have years of practical experience in the emerging field of spatial interaction design, with a deep understanding of designing with VR, AR, gesture & haptics.

I develop new design talent through mentoring, coaching and speaking, including my own online courses.

How to Design for Gesture & VR

Collaborate Conference - Bristol, June 2023

An introduction for designers to the world of 3D, spatial interfaces and how to design for gestural control.

Featured Writing

LinkedIn Learning Course

My course, ‘Sketching for UX Designers’ teaches designers about the power of sketching. It a whole range of drawing techniques which can be used to better ideate, communicate and enhance presentations. Starting from the very basics, I demonstrate and teach how to draw on-screen experiences, storyboards, 3D objects and figures.